Oct. 19, 2017, 9 a.m.
PhD positions
If you are a highly-motivated student interested in my research areas, I would be very happy to discuss funded PhD research opportunities.
The generic focus of the group is the development of novel intelligent aerospace/mechanical structural systems that can “feel”, “think”, and “react” based on high-resolution state-sensing, awareness, and self-diagnostic capabilities. The main research thrusts span the areas of (i) dynamic data-driven methods for stochastic system identification and “smart data” analysis, (ii) probabilistic structural health monitoring diagnostics and prognostics, and (iii) novel bio-inspired intelligent & autonomous aerospace systems with state-awareness & self-diagnostic capabilities.
For a brief overview of my research interests you may take a look here. I also strongly recommend that you check my publications (Google Scholar) to get a better idea on my previous and current research.
Students with a background in signals and dynamical systems, structural health monitoring, structural dynamics/analysis, wave propagation, and composite materials are welcome to apply. Additional expertise in other areas such as control, robotics, and biomechanics is also welcome.
Essential elements are the motivation and intellect of the student, rather than the specific background in this multidisciplinary field. The students will be involved in all research thrusts through group meetings and multidisciplinary collaborations. Projects can be defined based on the particular interest of the student.
If you are not an RPI student yet, you can find admissions information here. I’m happy to talk with prospective MS and PhD students and discuss research opportunities. You are welcome to reach me via email!
Undergraduate and MS positions
If you are a motivated undergraduate or MS student interested in pursuing a research project in my group I would be glad to talk about potential topics. I am looking for highly motivated undergrads to strengthen our group with a mixed background in engineering. Undergrads and MS students from all engineering departments are welcome. Projects can be defined based on the particular interest of the student.